- A person that sees the world as it is; pure energy and vibration, and uses the power of Solfeggio Frequencies to raise their vibration and connect with others, the universe, and the quantum realm.
- A person that bucks mainstream and chooses to live closer to the natural world.

What's a SolFreq?
What’s a SolFreq you ask? Not just a contraction of Solfeggio Frequencies, but also a name to be worn with pride.
As we’ve navigated this wonderful experience called life, we’ve become attracted to and aligned with an alternative and holistic way of living. Since we don’t see the world through the typical mainstream point of view, some have called us “Soul Freaks” and it has become a term of endearment and a source of pride.
Join us as we share our research, benefits, tips and tricks, and other topics relating to Solfeggio Frequencies, harnessing energy and vibration, and creating abundance in every aspect of your life!